Organiser Guidelines

Before the event

Event Organiser's Checklist

Start with our Event Organiser's Checklist to help you plan event preparation.

Select Event type:

There are multiple ways to organize a Reprohack, depending on who is your target audience. Check the following flowchart or have a look at our 7 Reprohack Flavours Guide!

Invite Speakers:

We have found that including short relevant talks can help break up the day and enhance the learning experience for participants. We recommend keeping talks short (up to 15min) and setting aside at least 10 minutes for questions and discussion after each. We've managed to include up to 3 talks in a 9am-5pm event in the past but for shorter events, we recommend 1-2 talks. This is not necessary and can be easier to organise for remote rather than in-person events but it is worth considering.

We are working on recording talks at any events we run to build up a library of videos organisers can use if that can't source speakers. If you have a short recorded talk you would like to make available, please get in touch!

Create materials associated with event:

You will need the relevant URLs when submitting your event (although you can always edit your event with this information at a later date)

  • Set up registration: The hub does not have functionality for managing registrations so you will need to use Eventbrite or a similar platform for for that purpose.
  • Event Hackpad (eg etherpad,, googledoc for collaborative notetaking at the event (optional). We strongly recommend having an event hackpad. Not only does it provide a place for participants to take collabotative notes of their experiences (useful during feedback sessions) but it also provides a space for them to register the papers they are working on so others can see them and perhaps join forces. You can use the hackpad template we provide if you wish. This hackpad also contains a template agenda for the day. Feel free to customise as you wish.
  • Introductory Slides: Use this to introduce your participants to the platform / building, run the ice breaker, remind them of good conduct during the event and introduce tips for reviewing. You can use the introductory slides template we provide as a template for welcoming all participants. Customise with details of your event.

Register Your Event!

Register your event on the ReproHack Hub. This will create a page for your event and place it on the ReproHack map.

When registering your event, the event decription is pre-populated with some general text in markdown format to act as a concise but informative landing page for your event. Feel free to edit and customise with any event specific details.

Additionally, once a valid registration is supplied, a registration button linking to that page will appear on your event page.

Promote your event

  • To potential authors. An event is always a good opprotunity to publicise to more authors and reach out to authors form specific domains, institutions, conference attendees or any other focus your event might have.

  • To potential participants.

  • Make use of social media. Twitter in particular can be a great way to advertise your event. Try to use relevant hash tags and ask your communities to spread the word. Feel free to include @ReproHack in any tweets and we'll happily retweet and signal boost!

During the event

  • Start the event with an Introduction, Ice breaker and Tips for Reviewing (see slide template for details) and any morning talk you have scheduled.
  • Make sure to bring attention to the Code of Conduct and remind participants thet constructive criticism and care in how they frame their comments to authors is of utmost importance.
  • In a remote event or an event with too many participants to go round everyone, you are best running the ice-breaker in break-out groups (once the hosts have introduced themselves to the whole group to demonstrate).
  • If you are using break-out rooms at a remote event and have the option to name the break-out rooms, it's fun to let groups pick a name for their room during the ice-breaker. Get them to record their room ID and the name they want to assign and have a demonstrator re-name them for each group.
  • At remote events, it's also good to create a few extra rooms like a cafe and quiet room where participants can go to chat informally or work quietly.
  • At remote events using break-out rooms, make sure organisers drop into each room at least once during each ReproHack session to check in on participants.
  • Make sure to also bring the group back together after each ReproHack session to share their experience. Encourage them to use the hackpad to summarise them.
  • By the end of the day, ensure participants have completed the feedback form to authors. Remind them that any papers submitted for this event only will only be available to review for one week after the event.
  • At the end of the day, ask partipants for feedback for your event. Ask them to record one thing they enjoyed and one thing that could be improved. If you use the hackpad template provided, there is already a section to leave feedback. If you think any of the feedback is woth passing on, feel free to open an issue, either in or general organisation repo or the reprohack hub site, or just let us know on slack!

After the event.

  • Blog about the event! Get in touch if you'd like to publish it on our site.

Example AGENDA

Here are example markdown agenda templates for an in-person or remote event starting at 10am, ending at 5pm and including 2 short talks (approx 15mins) with 10mins for discussion after each. The remote event agenda includes indication of times when participants will be working in break-out rooms.

Feel free to use and customise these templates according to the timings of your event.

Note that the css table style applies a different styling to only the first column of the table.

For In-person Event:

|   Time    |   Event   |
|---    |---    |
|   10:00   |    Welcome and Orientation    |
|   10:10   |    Ice breaker session    |
|   10:20   |    **TALK: [Speaker Name]: [Talk title].**    |
|   10:45   |    Tips and Tricks for Reproducing and Reviewing.     |
|   11:10   |    Select Papers, Chat and coffee     |
|   11:30   |    Round I of ReproHacking    |
|   12:30   |    Re-group and sharing of experiences    |
|   12:45   |    LUNCH      |
|   13:45   |    Round II of ReproHacking   |
|   14:45   |    Coffee break   |
|   15:00   |    Round III of ReproHacking - Complete Feedback form     |
|   16:00   |    **TALK: TALK: [Speaker Name]: [Talk title].**  |
|   16:25   |    Re-group and sharing of experiences    |
|   16:50   |    Feedback and Closing   |


which will render to:

Time Event
10:00 Welcome and Orientation
10:10 Ice breaker session
10:20 TALK: [Speaker Name]: [Talk title].
10:45 Tips and Tricks for Reproducing and Reviewing.
11:10 Select Papers, Chat and coffee
11:30 Round I of ReproHacking
12:30 Re-group and sharing of experiences
12:45 LUNCH
13:45 Round II of ReproHacking
14:45 Coffee break
15:00 Round III of ReproHacking - Complete Feedback form
16:00 TALK: TALK: [Speaker Name]: [Talk title].
16:25 Re-group and sharing of experiences
16:50 Feedback and Closing

For Remote Event:

|   Time    |   Event   |
|---    |---    |
|   10:00   |    Welcome and Orientation    |
|   10:10   |    Ice breaker session in groups      |
|   10:20   |    **TALK: [Speaker Name]: [Talk title].**    |
|   10:45   |    Tips and Tricks for Reproducing and Reviewing.     |
|   11:10   |    Select Papers, Chat and coffee     |
|   11:30   |    Round I of ReproHacking (break-out rooms)      |
|   12:30   |    Re-group and sharing of experiences    |
|   12:45   |    LUNCH      |
|   13:45   |    Round II of ReproHacking (break-out rooms)     |
|   14:45   |    Coffee break   |
|   15:00   |    Round III of ReproHacking (break-out rooms) - Complete Feedback form   |
|   16:00   |    **TALK: TALK: [Speaker Name]: [Talk title].**  |
|   16:25   |    Re-group and sharing of experiences    |
|   16:50   |    Feedback and Closing   |


which will render to:

Time Event
10:00 Welcome and Orientation
10:10 Ice breaker session in groups
10:20 TALK: [Speaker Name]: [Talk title].
10:45 Tips and Tricks for Reproducing and Reviewing.
11:10 Select Papers, Chat and coffee
11:30 Round I of ReproHacking (break-out rooms)
12:30 Re-group and sharing of experiences
12:45 LUNCH
13:45 Round II of ReproHacking (break-out rooms)
14:45 Coffee break
15:00 Round III of ReproHacking (break-out rooms) - Complete Feedback form
16:00 TALK: TALK: [Speaker Name]: [Talk title].
16:25 Re-group and sharing of experiences
16:50 Feedback and Closing