HackMD Introductory Slides Template

Event HackMD Introductory slides template

This template can be used for slides written and hosted on HackMD during a ReproHack event. https://hackmd.io/

If you are new to HackMD, please see this short guide by the Turing Way or the full HackMD Tutorial Book and in particular, the chapter on Making Presentation Slides with HackMD

The most important setting to note is that to you view the sldes you need to enable Slide Mode in the top right sharing menu and hit "Preview" to see your slide.


Copy and paste into new HackMD document

title: <your-event-name> ReproHack slides
tags: ReproHack, introduction, slides
description: View the slide with "Slide Mode".
    theme: white

## Welcome to the <your-event-name> ReproHack!


<!-- Put the link to the event page here so people can access all materials -->
### Event Page: 
### http://reprohack.org/event/<your-event-id>

Contains all event information and links to materials


<!-- Add any housekeeping details here. If running an online event, you might want to include 
an introduction to the platform here -->

### House Keeping:

- No Fire Alarm test today
- Toilets & Fire Exit
- Water point - downstairs


# Introductions

<!-- Use this section as an ice-breaker. Introduce yourself, then allow others to 
go around the room and introduce themselves too. If online, consider using break-out rooms of 5-6 people -->


<!-- Add details about yourself the organiser in the next few slides: -->

## Who am I?

### Dr Anna Krystalli (@annakrystalli)

- Research Software Engineer _University of Sheffield_
- 2019 Fellow _Software Sustainability Institute_
- Software Peer Review Editor _rOpenSci_ 
- Core Team member: _ReproHack_


## Why am I here?

<!-- Edit with your own answer -->

> I believe there's lots to learn about Reproducibility from working with real published projects.


## Who is my favorite animated character?

<!-- Edit with your own answer -->



<!-- Let the rest of the organisers do the same -->


<!-- Open it up to participants -->
- ### Who are you?

- ### Why are you here?

- ### Who is your favorite animated character?

<!-- Delete below if participants NOT renaming breakout rooms -->

- #### As a group: Name your room! :mountain: :camping: :desert::roller_coaster::national_park::stadium::desert_island::sunrise::Tokyo_tower:


# Welcome Back


## ReproHack Objectives

1. **Practical Experience in Reproducibility**

3. **Feedback to Authors**

5. **Think more broadly about opportunities and challenges**


# Plan of Action


### Reproduce paper

1. **Paper review and team formation**

2. **Select and register your paper on hackpad**

3. **Work on your paper!**

4. **Re-group part-way through.**

5. **Feedback at the end (group & authors)**


# Tips for reviewing


<!-- Remind participant of code of conduct and basic expectations. Bring attention to the additional considerations involved in giving feedback to authors -->
## Code of Conduct

Event governed by [**ReproHack Code of Conduct**](https://reprohack.org/code-of-conduct)


### Additional Considerations

- #### Reproducibility is hard!
- #### Submitting authors are incredibly brave!


## Thank you Authors! :raised_hands:

- #### Without them there would be no ReproHack.
- #### Show gratitude and appreciation for their effort and bravery. :pray: 
- #### Constructive criticism only please!


# Reproduce and Review

# :mag:


## Selecting Papers

- **Author comments:** paper description and why you should choose to reproduce.
- **Tags:** Tools, languages & domains
- **No. attempts:** No. times reproduction has been attempted
- **Mean Repro Score:** Mean reproducibility score (out of 10)
    - lower == harder!


## Review as an auditor :bookmark_tabs:

### Looking for FAIR principles

- Findable 
- Accessible
- Interoperable
- Reusable


## Access

- How easy was it to gain access to the materials?

## Installation

- How easy / automated was installation?
- Did you have any problems?


## Data
- Were data clearly separated from code and other items?
- Were large data files deposited in a trustworthy data repository and referred to using a persistent identifier?
- Were data documented ...somehow...


## Documentation

Was there adequate documentation describing:
- how to install necessary software including non-standard dependencies?
- how to use materials to reproduce the paper?
- how to cite the materials, ideally in a form that can be copy and pasted?


## Analysis

- Were you able to fully reproduce the paper? :white_check_mark:
- How automated was the process of reproducing the paper?
- How easy was it to link analysis code to:
- the plots it generates
- sections in the manuscript in which it is described


## Analysis

### If the analysis was not fully reproducible :no_entry_sign:
- Did results (e.g. model outputs, tables, figures) differ to those published? By how much?
- Were missing dependencies?
- Was the computational environment not adequately described / captured?


## Review as a user :video_game:


#### What did you find easy / intuitive?

#### What did you find confusing / difficult

#### What did you enjoy?


# Feed back

# :speech_balloon:


## Feedback as a community member


#### Acknowledge author effort

#### Give feedback in good faith

#### Focus on community benefits and system level solutions


# Additional activities


## Finished early?

### Explore the work more deeply:
- Try and run additional analyses.
- Create new plots. 
- Combine materials with your own or other open materials available on the web!


# Let's go! :checkered_flag:


## 1. Paper review / Team formation

+ Have a look at the papers available for reproduction
+ Add your details to the **hackpad**.
+ Fine to work individually or tackle a papers as group


## 2. Project registration

+ Register your team and paper on the **hackpad**
+ Register for an account on the Hub.
+ Feel free to work here or in break-out rooms.


## 3. Reproduce Paper

- Inspect the review form.
- Try to reproduce the paper using the materials provided.
- Record your responses to review questions according to your experiences.


## 4. Mid-point regroup

- Which paper have you selected? Briefly describe what it's about.
- Briefly describe the approach to reproducibility the paper has taken.
- Anything in particular you like about the paper's approach so far?
- Anything you're having difficulty with?


## 5. Feedback to authors

- **Please complete the feedback form for authors**
- Feel free to record general findings the hackpad


## 6. Final regroup

- So, how did you get on? 
- Final comments.
- If there's time, tackle some discussion topics (see hackpad).
- On post-its: One thing you liked, one thing that can be improved.


# Get involved!

### Visit ReproHack Hub <https://reprohack.org>

- [**Submit a paper for review**](https://reprohack.org/paper/new/)
- [**Organise your own event**](https://reprohack.org/event/new/)

_Check out our [Resources](https://reprohack.org/resources) for more details_

### Chat to us:



# THANK YOU ALL! :pray:

- #### Thank you PARTICIPANTS for coming!
- #### Thank you AUTHORS for submitting!
- #### Thanks to <any-sponsors> for sponsoring!

# :wave: