HackMD Hackpad Template

Event HackMD Hackpad template

This template can be used for slides written and hosted on HackMD during a ReproHack event. https://hackmd.io/

If you are new to HackMD, please see this short guide by the Turing Way or the full HackMD Tutorial Book and in particular, the chapter on How to Publish a Note with Permalink and Live Hosting a Collaborative Session

EVENT_NAME ReproHack Collaborative Hackpad

###### tags: `Reprohack` `hackpad`

- :earth_africa: **LOCATION**
- :calendar: **DATE**
- :watch: **10:00 - 17:00 UTC**
- :arrow_forward: **Slides:** SLIDE_URL
- :scroll: **Participant Guidelines:** https://reprohack.org/participant_guidelines
- :purple_heart: **Code of Conduct:** https://reprohack.org/code-of-conduct
- :left_speech_bubble: Chat to us on Slack: https://reprohack-autoinvite.herokuapp.com/
- :Bird: **Twitter:**  #ReproHackHub @ReproHack
- **hackmd docs:** https://hackmd.io/s/features


## Participants:
**Please sign in below:**
- ***Jane Doe (pronouns/ Affiliation / twitter / etc)***



# Icebreaker Room Names
- **Group 1:** 
- **Group 2:** 
- **Group 3:**  
- **Group 4:** 
- **Group 5:** 
- **Group 6:**  
- **Group 7:**
- **Group 8:**
- **Group 9:**
- **Group 10:**


# Paper Registration

_Use the following template and register your review below._

### **Paper:** <Title of the paper reproduced>
**Reviewers:** Reviewer 1, Reviewer 2 etc.
<!-- Please register your paper in the space below using the template provided -->

# Questions for Speaker(s)
<!-- Please add any questions for our speaker below -->


# Discussion topics

<!-- Feel free to use this space to add topics for discussion and make notes on those discussions. You can remove if you don't plan to have any guided discussion sessions -->


# Regroup notes 
<!-- Any other notes you'd like to add. -->


# Feedback

### One thing you enjoyed:


### One thing that could be improved:
