Review of
"Does ethnic density influence community participation in mass participation physical activity events?"

Review of "Does ethnic density influence community participation in mass participation physical activity events?"

Submitted by katehayes  

Aug. 4, 2022, 2:55 p.m.

Lead reviewer


Review Body


Did you manage to reproduce it?
Fully Reproducible
Reproducibility rating
How much of the paper did you manage to reproduce?
10 / 10
Briefly describe the procedure followed/tools used to reproduce it

Mainly used R - I also needed to install a few different things using the terminal bc they were dependencies of the packages terra and rdgal. This was the bit I found the hardest actually! But that's my own fault, I'm not good at that kind of thing.

Briefly describe your familiarity with the procedure/tools used by the paper.

I have used R before.

Which type of operating system were you working in?
Apple Operating System (macOSX)
What additional software did you need to install?

I had to install proj and gdal - does this count as software?

What software did you use


What were the main challenges you ran into (if any)?

apart from the package dependencies, the main challenge was the fact that stargazer breaks in the version of R i am running.

What were the positive features of this approach?

I thought it was great! everything v neat and online! great job!

Any other comments/suggestions on the reproducibility approach?


Documentation rating
How well was the material documented?
10 / 10
How could the documentation be improved?

I think, looking at the repo now at approx 4pm, that the documentation has gotten more thorough since this morning, including adding a short description of the R scripts and the order to run them in - that's great.

What do you like about the documentation?

clear, concise

After attempting to reproduce, how familiar do you feel with the code and methods used in the paper?
10 / 10
Any suggestions on how the analysis could be made more transparent?


Reusability rating
Rate the project on reusability of the material
10 / 10
Permissive Data license included:  
Permissive Code license included:  

Any suggestions on how the project could be more reusable?

Any final comments