datalad rerun results-containerized'
action summary:
add (ok: 5)
get (notneeded: 2, ok: 483)
install (ok: 1)
run (ok: 1)
save (notneeded: 3, ok: 2)
unlock (notneeded: 2)
datalad containers-run -n docker-make main.pdf
action summary:
get (notneeded: 1)
run (ok: 1)
save (notneeded: 5)
Appart from the things mentioned in the README:
Only command line
When I first tried it I had trouble viewing the results. After cloning the repository once more and recreating the steps it worked just fine.
I would have liked more explanation as to what the output (action summary) meant.
There was no need to look at the code or methods at all to get the results. It also was not explained in the README or elsewhere. This makes it easy reproducible, but doesn't help to get familiar with how it works.