There is a numerical benchmark reported in Fig. 4 with absolute runtimes and memory usages that can directly be reproduced with the provided source code. The benchmark was performed on the author's computer, and since numerical performance and parallel scaling can be somewhat hardware-dependent, it would be of interest to see whether a performance that is comparable to the one reported in the paper can be reproduced by others on their own computers in practice. The benchmark simulates a growing tissue from one to 10,000 cells in just ten minutes, so this offers an easy entry point into tissue modeling and simulation. No input data is needed to reproduce the output. The program has no dependencies.
In this paper, an R package was used to improve the reproducibility of the analyses. Therefore, it would be good to know to what extent this works. The R package includes the following analyses: (1) data trimming and preparation, (2) descriptive statistics, (3) reliability and correlations, (4) t-tests and Bayesian t-tests, (5) latent-change models (structural equation modeling approach), and (6) multiverse analyses. Furthermore, all deidentified data, experiment codes, research materials, and results are publicly accessible on the Open Science Framework (OSF) at The study’s design and the analyses were pre-registered on OSF. The preregistration can be accessed at tywu7.