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  • Southern Ocean deep mixing band emerges from a competition between winter buoyancy loss and upper stratification strength

    Authors: Romain Caneill, Fabien Roquet, and Jonas Nycander
    DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-2023-2404
    Submitted by rcaneill      
      Mean reproducibility score:   2.6/10   |   Number of reviews:   8
    Why should we attempt to reproduce this paper?

    I tried as hard as possible to make it reproducible, which it is on my computer. I would be happy to see if this still works on other computers. Moreover, by allowing easy reproducibility, I hope that other people may easily build research on top of this work.

  • The Polar Transition from Alpha to Beta Regions Set by a Surface Buoyancy Flux Inversion

    Authors: Romain Caneill Fabien Roquet Gurvan Madec Jonas Nycander
    DOI: 10.1175/JPO-D-21-0295.1
    Submitted by rcaneill      
      Mean reproducibility score:   0.0/10   |   Number of reviews:   1
    Why should we attempt to reproduce this paper?

    I tried hard to make it reproducible, so hopefully this paper can serve as an example on how reproducibility can be achieved. I think that being reproducible with only few commands to type in a terminal is quite an achievment. At least in my field, where I usually see code published along with paper, but with almost no documentation on how to rerun it.

  • Laser-assisted propagation of a relativistic electron bunch in air

    Authors: R M G M Trines, A P L Robinson, J R Wilkinson, J N Kirk, D S Hills, R M Deas, S Morris, T Goffrey, K Bennett, T D Arber
    DOI: 10.1088/1361-6587/ac0b9d
    Submitted by Stuart_Morris      

    Why should we attempt to reproduce this paper?

    Most electron beam physics is considered in the context of a vacuum, but there are applications to long-range electron beam transmission in air. As particle acceleration sources become more compact, we may have the chance to take particle beams out to the real world. The example provided in the paper describes that of x-ray backscatter detectors, where significantly stronger signals could be achieved by scanning objects with electron beams. This paper forms the basis for a potential new mode of particle-beam research, and it is important to ensure the reproducibility of this work for groups who wish to explore the applications of this new technology.

  • Droplet impact onto a spring-supported plate: analysis and simulations

    Authors: Michael J. Negus, Matthew R. Moore, James M. Oliver, Radu Cimpeanu
    Submitted by MNegus      
      Mean reproducibility score:   8.0/10   |   Number of reviews:   1
    Why should we attempt to reproduce this paper?

    The direct numerical simulations (DNS) for this paper were conducted using Basilisk ( As Basilisk is a free software program written in C, it can be readily installed on any Linux machine, and it should be straightforward to then run the driver code to re-produce the DNS from this paper. Given this, the numerical solutions presented in this paper are a result of many high-fidelity simulations, which each took approximately 24 CPU hours running between 4 to 8 cores. Hence the difficulty in reproducing the results should mainly be in the amount of computational resources it would take, so HPC resources will be required. The DNS in this paper were used to validate the presented analytical solutions, as well as extend the results to a longer timescale. Reproducing these numerical results will build confidence in these results, ensuring that they are independent of the system architecture they were produced on.

  • Highly efficient conversion of laser energy to hard X-rays in high intensity laser-solid simulations

    Authors: S. Morris, A. Robinson, C. Ridgers
    DOI: 10.1063/5.0055398
    Submitted by Stuart_Morris      

    Why should we attempt to reproduce this paper?

    There are many applications to multi-MeV X-rays. Their penetrative properties make them good for scanning dense objects for industry, and their ionising properties can destroy tumours in radiotherapy. They are also around the energy of nuclear transitions, so they can trigger nuclear reactions to break down nuclear waste into medical isotopes, or to reveal smuggled nuclear-materials for port security. Laser-driven X-ray generation offers a compact and efficient way to create a bright source of X-rays, without having to construct a large synchrotron. To fully utilise this capability, work on optimising the target design and understanding the underlying X-ray mechanisms are essential. The hybrid-PIC code is in a unique position to model the full interaction, so its ease-of-use and reproducibility are crucial for this field to develop.

  • REMoDNaV: robust eye-movement classification for dynamic stimulation

    Authors: Asim H. Dar, Adina S. Wagner, Michael Hanke
    Submitted by adswa    
      Mean reproducibility score:   7.0/10   |   Number of reviews:   3
    Why should we attempt to reproduce this paper?

    In theory, reproducing this paper should only require a clone of a public Git repository, and the execution of a Makefile (detailed in the README of the paper repository at We've set up our paper to be dynamically generated, retrieving and installing the relevant data and software automatically, and we've even created a tutorial about it, so that others can reuse the same setup for their work. Nevertheless, we've for example never tried it out across different operating systems - who knows whether it works on Windows? We'd love to share the tips and tricks we found to work, and even more love feedback on how to improve this further.

  • Optimizing the Use of Carbonate Standards to Minimize Uncertainties in Clumped Isotope Data

    Authors: Ilja J. Kocken, Inigo A. Müller, Martin Ziegler
    DOI: 10.1029/2019GC008545
    Submitted by japhir      

    Why should we attempt to reproduce this paper?

    Even though the approach in the paper focuses on a specific measurement (clumped isotopes) and how to optimize which and how many standards we use, I hope that the problem is general enough that insight can translate to any kind of measurement that relies on machine calibration. I've committed to writing a literate program (plain text interspersed with code chunks) to explain what is going on and to make the simulations one step at a time. I really hope that this is understandable to future collaborators and scientists in my field, but I have not had any code review internally and I also didn't receive any feedback on it from the reviewers. I would love to see if what in my mind represents "reproducible code" is actually reproducible, and to learn what I can improve for future projects!

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