Alcohol-induced retrograde facilitation? Mixed evidence in a preregistered replication and encoding-maintenance-retrieval analysis

  Paper is only available for review at the Mannheim Open Science Day Reprohack event  

Submitted by jquevedo

Oct. 4, 2022, 8:11 a.m.

Alcohol-induced retrograde facilitation? Mixed evidence in a preregistered replication and encoding-maintenance-retrieval analysis

Julian Quevedo Pütter, Edgar Erdfelder
Quevedo Pütter, J., & Erdfelder, E. (2022, September 30). Alcohol-induced retrograde facilitation? Mixed evidence in a preregistered replication and encoding-maintenance-retrieval analysis.
DOI:  10.31234/      

Number of reviews:   4

Brief Description
This paper presents an attempt to replicate the so-called alcohol-induced retrograde facilitation effect. As originally demonstrated by Parker et al. (1981), post-encoding alcohol consumption can be expected to result in enhanced memory performance at a delayed recall test. Critically, subsequent replication studies deviated from the original study procedure. Moreover, the question of how to explain the effect remains unanswered. In the present study, the overall effect could not be replicated on conventional memory measures. However, multinomial processing tree (MPT) modeling results suggest that post-encoding alcohol consumption enhances retrieval (but no maintenance) at final recall.
Why should we reproduce your paper?
This paper has already been accepted as a registered report at Stage-1. The Stage-2 manuscript has no yet been accepted for publication, so improvements in the code could still be incorporated in the final manuscript.
What should reviewers focus on?
We are grateful for any comments on how to improve the reproducibility of our results.


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