Price subsidies, diagnostic tests, and targeting of malaria treatment: evidence from a randomized controlled trial

  Paper is only available for review at the Swiss ReproHack event  

Submitted by UrsaBernardic

May 18, 2022, 7:58 a.m.

Price subsidies, diagnostic tests, and targeting of malaria treatment: evidence from a randomized controlled trial

Cohen, Jessica, Pascaline Dupas, and Simone Schaner.
Cohen, J., Dupas, P., & Schaner, S. (2015). Price subsidies, diagnostic tests, and targeting of malaria treatment: evidence from a randomized controlled trial. American Economic Review, 105(2), 609-45.
DOI:  10.1257/aer.20130267        

Brief Description
Both under- and over-treatment of communicable diseases are public bads. But efforts to decrease one run the risk of increasing the other. Using rich experimental data on household treatment-seeking behavior in Kenya, we study the implications of this trade-off for subsidizing life-saving antimalarials sold over-the-counter at retail drug outlets. We show that a very high subsidy (such as the one under consideration by the international community) dramatically increases access, but nearly one-half of subsidized pills go to patients without malaria. We study two ways to better target subsidized drugs: reducing the subsidy level, and introducing rapid malaria tests over-the-counter.
Why should we reproduce your paper?
This paper is an important RCT of how price subsidies, diagnostic tests effects malaria treatment and it has all the data available.
What should reviewers focus on?
The claim: “We show that a very high subsidy (such as the one under consideration by the international community) dramatically increases access, but nearly one-half of subsidized pills go to patients with-out malaria.”


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