This is perhaps an interesting 'meta' example for ReproHack as in this study we attempted to reproduce analyses reporrted in 25 published articles. So it seems even more important that our own analyses are reproducible! We tried our best to adhere to best practices in this regard, so we would be very keen to know if anyone has problems reproducing our analyses and/or learning how we can make the process easier.
A couple of things to note:
1. In addition to the links to the data and analysis scripts provided above, we also have a Code Ocean container for this article (https://doi.org/10.24433/CO.1796004.v3), which should theoretically allow you to reproduce the analyses with the click of a single button (we hope!).
2. In addition to the main research analyses (for which I've provided links above), we also have data, scripts, and Code Ocean containers for each of the reprodubility attempts for the 25 articles we looked at. I don't know if you will also want to look at this level of the analyses, but if you do then take a look at Supplementary Information section E here: https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/suppl/10.1098/rsos.201494 For each reproducibility attempt, there is a short 'vignette' describing the outcome, and a link to data/scripts on the OSF and a Code Ocean container.
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